
Institute of E uropean studies












Hung-Dah Su


Academic Experience

Assistant Professor

Phone Number

886-227899390 ext. 282


Doctorat of University Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), France



Specialized Areas


List of Publications

    1. Su, Hung-dah, How to Exploit the Internet-based Resources in the EU Studies, Issues & Studies, No. 42:5, 2003.09-10, pp. 81-113.
    2. Su, Hung-dah, The Creation of a European Constitution: A Historical Institutionalist Analysis, Theory and Policy, No.16:2, 2002. 06, pp1-25.
    3. Su, Hung-dah, The European Integration Movement: A Constitutional Sovereignty Building ProcessEurAmericaNo.31:1, 2002.12, pp.629-687.
    4. Su, Hung-dah, How to Launch and Organize Integration across the Taiwan Strait: An Analysis Based on the EU Experience, Issues & Studies, No.40:02, 2001.3-4, pp.1-32.
    5. Su, Hung-dah, One China Policy and the Possibility of Dual Recognition Possible: A Case Study on the ROC's Reaction to the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between PRC and France in 1964, EurAmerica, No.14:01, 2000. pp.84-111
    6. Su, Hung-dah, “Tempete sur l'Asie: la construction europeenne ne pourrait-elle inspirer une solution proprement asiatique?” France Forum, 4e Trimestre 1998, pp. 15-22.
    7. Su, Hung-dah, French Foreign Policy Decision-Making Since 1958, Issues & Studies, No36:6, 1997.06, pp.57-76.
    8. Su, Hung-dah, The Elimination of Equivalent Effect Measures on Quantitative Restriction and the Realization of Free Movement of Goods in the European Single Market , Issues & Studies, No.35:04, 1996.04, pp.41-66
  1. Su, Hung-dah, “La recherche d'une identite commune et l'Unification europeenne”, Identites culturelles en Europe et en Extreme-Orient, Singapore: Universite d'ete francophone des pays d'Asie du Sud-Est au sujet des, 29.06. ~ 10.07, 1998.
  2. Su, Hung-dah, Studies on Common petroleum policy of EU, Institute of European and American Studies Academia Sinica , The economic of European Union,1998.03.21-22.
Su, Hung-dah, Jean Monnet face a la politique europeenne du general de Gaulle (1958-1969), this doctorale de l'Universite de Paris-Sorbonne, These a la Carte, Lille (France): Atelier National de Reporduction des Theses de l'Universite Charles de Gaulle, 2000.

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